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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

I asked Victoria to produce something to illustrate the holiday, so I could post it.  She asked 'Like what?' I said, 'I don't know, a table, people, turkeys, whatever...'  So she produced the below.  She wondered what a turkey might look like, I assured her whatever she produced would be fine.  She hesitated only briefly -

One table, two chairs, one meal for which to be grateful.
There is a table and two chairs, probably because no one should be alone at Thanksgving (sic).  There is a turkey, sweet potatoes, and a pumpkin pie.  There are two glasses for drinks, for what is a meal without a toast.  I once again hesitated and almost asked her to 'try' again.  The stark simplicity of her rendering seemed rushed and not as 'thought out' as I would have had it be.

Again I had to stop myself.  All she does is for me to appreciate, rather than for me to 'correct'.  I must be grateful for what she can do rather than for me to insist she adapt to what I might think is 'right'.  My expectations of Victoria are consistently blown away, as they should be, my expectations are a gross underestimation.  She continues to develop at her own pace, assimilating that which is right for that moment in time.

Victoria works twice a week at a dining hall at a military installation.  She feared she would have to work Thanksgiving day as that is her regularly assigned shift. I assured her that could not possibly be the case, but she was (again!) right.  She was expected to work on Thanksgiving day.  I spoke to her supervisor and offered that if she could have off Thanksgiving Day she could swap with someone for a Christmas Day shift.  He understood and accepted the offer.  My next challenge would be to tell Victoria.  How to explain to her that she might have to work Christmas day?  Nothing for it, I just did.  'Victoria, in order for you to go to Thanksgiving you might have to work Christmas Day.  I hope this is OK with you because that is what I worked out with your supervisor.'  A brief silence, a heavy sigh and then words that blew me away. 'Ok, I'll work Christmas Day if that is what I have to do to go to Thanksgiving.'

There are a lot of things I think I might change - but if it all means I get to moments like that I will change nothing.  And I am grateful for every moment.  I hope you are too.