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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Rafferty goes to Denver

Although I still have some older stuff to post (promise I will get around to it!) Victoria seemed to take a hiatus from drawing, she just stopped.  She would draw something if asked to, she might even doodle with crayon (or as she calls them 'krans').  But nothing of consequence.

Last week her niece Rafferty moved to Colorado with her parents Ian and Gretchen, we will miss them as they have moved far from us.  So we prepared a small home warming package for Rafferty.  As an avid reader we figured she would like some books, but Victoria also took the time to do a portrait of Rafferty to include in the package.

Rafferty is wonderfully energetic, kind, and insightful.  She has recently had her gorgeous hair cut short, but only after it was long enough that it would be accepted by 'Locks for Love'.  So Victoria's portrait has a fair skinned Rafferty, with short light colored hair, and greenish eyes, surrounded by new style clouds.

Rafferty age 7 by Victoria, August 2013
The flowers are a new touch as well.  No surprise they emerge with Rafferty who loves to be outdoors.

When I told Victoria I would post this she told me she might do some more drawings, I know I hope she does, can't wait to see what emerges!