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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Victoria's People

This is the first of "Victoria's People."  She has always had a great eye for color and composition.  Her efforts are simply intuitive, she just 'does'.  Her circumstance (autism and developmental delay) might be what has allowed her to be so consistent.  Her 'people' are immediately recognizable.   Her approach to creating characters and using lines is definitely worth sharing.  So here goes -
The above is an image of her sister Addy who is now 16 and might be mortified by how she is portrayed by her (then) 23 year old sister.  There is, however, almost a smirk on the lips and the shoulders askew as if with a 'tude, which Addy definitely has!

Mommy and Daddy
(aka Andrea and Brian)
The above is me with my husband Brian.  The composition of the people is consistent and the use of colors is impressive.  She uses small obvious details like connected hands to made sure everyone can see we are a couple - we are holding hands.  

Alex and Kelly
Above Alex(28) (once a Navy SEAL) and his wife Kelly(28).  Alex is not wearing a beret, it's just the way Victoria captured his very straight and homogeneous hair.  Victoria adores Kelly which just might be why Kelly is taller than Alex and is looking down at him.

So here is the best!

 Victoria(24) as she sees herself.  She is heavier, and has VERY curly hair.  This image is surprising in that the shirt has no emblem of adornment.  That said Victoria has been careful to include her ever present pony bead necklace.  One year she made one at camp and wore it for the next two years!  Yes it was kinda gross, but it really wasn't ugly.  It finally fell off.  Of course she collected the beads and restrung them, that's just the sort of thing Victoria will do.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely wonderful and joyful. Thank you for sharing. Lots of love,

