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Sunday, June 24, 2012


Victoria's Work
A few months ago I posted a couple of Victoria' pieces on my Facebook page.  I have always been a fan, of her work, and her being, which  I suppose is natural as Victoria is my daughter.  When I posted the work I threatened to begin a blog where more of her work could be posted for all to enjoy and interpret.

Although well intentioned I managed to not follow through on my action.  Day before yesterday I caught up, in person, with a friend I had not seen in 37 years - but with whom I had recently re-connected on Facebook.  After some conversation on family and life she asked when I was going to get started with posting more of Victoria's work.  I was dumbstruck.  I didn't think anyone was paying attention.  I should have known better.  I am indebted to Elena for spurring me into action.

Victoria is today - 24 June 2012 - a 25 year old in whom I recognized developmental delays at the age of one month.  She was supported by Special Education programs her entire academic career and made life long friends in those programs.

Victoria can read at a 7-8th grade level, has marginal math skills, loves to listen to music and has always enjoyed drawing for distraction, relaxation, and self expression.  The below is one of her many intricate line drawings.  I learn more from Victoria in a day than I could learn from a room full pf PhDs in a year.  I often learn things about myself I don't like, but I hope I learn all the same.  I am excited about sharing her work.

PS - Thanks Elena!

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