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Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Cousins - 1 of 6

Danny & Yari
Luis & Jessie (and baby!)

Victoria is all about family and remembers her cousins' names and birth dates with an accuracy that is startling, and frankly embarrassing.  I might forget my children's birthdays if they did not drop the less that subtle hints.

Victoria is my parents' 5th grand child and second granddaughter.  She has, as a result of my tasking in the fall of 2010, drawn an image of each of her cousins, which will follow in the next few posts.

Victoria's cousins Danny and Luis, sons of my sister Hilary, are Puertorrican.  They are gorgeous, dark haired, dark eyed ... I was going to say boys, but that is not fair.  They are both married and Luis and his wife Jessie are expecting their first baby in September.  OK, OK, they are gorgeous, dark haired, dark eyed men. (sigh!)  You might infer the skin color is not accurate, but then again, neither is the diameter of their forearms.

Danny is married to Yari, but I do not yet have a Victoria image of Yari.  She has a few others she is tasked with, as will become evident as this post progresses.  Yari = Task #1

Luis and Jessie
Jessica has huge blue eyes and gorgeous strawberry blond/auburn colored hair.  She and Luis (who does appear to liking his lips) were married in the summer of 2010.  This image is from the fall of 2010, well before baby #1 was on the way.  And there is the hand holding again, easiest way to tell they are a couple.  Baby = Task #2

Jessie - the portrait
Sometimes Victoria likes to reach out to people that are special to her.  She specifically relates to young women in her approximate age group, and through her drawings demonstrates her affection and admiration.  Hence the above portrait of Jessie (wife of Luis).  I don't recall the occasion but Victoria wanted to make sure she had something for Jessie and the above was produced.  Please note - Jessie does not wear puffy dresses, and I can't say I have ever seen her with her hair on the top of her head like a fountain.  Somehow, however, this image captures her great style, Victoria-style! 

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