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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Victoria's Letters, bubble letters that is!

Whenever Victoria wants to label something she does what she calls 'Bubble Letters'.  Her spelling is evolving, and she is pretty good with words she uses routinely.  Every now and then she'll miss or skip a letter.  There are the occasional transpositions, but by and large she gets it right.

Her greeting cards are particularly touching.  Although she LOVES buying greeting cards, and often finds the perfect card, the cards she makes are the ones that carry the most feeling.

She has carefully signed the inside, lest I mistake the giver.

Happy Birthday to me! Never too many of these!

Our family has large Thanksgiving celebrations, and often a commemorative t-shirt is produced.  Victoria has wanted to participate in the design process for several years, this year she contributed more than ever.  The activity took place in Bluffton, S. C. a small town east of I-95 and south of Beaufort SC.
Victoria did the letters for the T-shirt

Her original suggestion was
Hattlers Gone Wild
Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving celebrations have also taken place on Hilton Head Island, SC.  The 2011 celebration might have been, but my parents moved... to Bluffton.
Victoria, always wiling to help is not above trying to talk some sense into her parents.  SO when I asked her to make a label for a cooler for a party she gave me a hard time.  "Mommy, no one should drink beer!"  And I agree with her sometimes.  All the same she loves a party, karaoke, and dancing.  And when she got old enough she decided she might be OK with a beer every now and then too!
Not sure what the blue item is, but the unmistakable message is the contents of the cooler

1 comment:

  1. I lOOOOOve reading your blog and getting to know Victoria though her pictures and your comments...she' certainly awesome! And so are you!!! Thank you for sharing with us, Andrea! Peace, Elena Fadhel Gostic
