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Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Cousins - 2 of 6

William, Lorna, Kelly and Davis

The elder of my two baby brothers is William who is married to Lorna, who is built like your standard everyday super model.  They have two boys who fall squarely in the category of too cool for most anything, but they don't know it.  Kelly and David are accomplished musicians, and handily master most anything that has to do with computers.  My brother William is a businessman, and commercial pilot who systematically comes up with entrepreneurial ideas he turns into successful enterprises.  I should try to keep up!

Uncle William and Aunt Lorna
Lorna is not really taller than William (who is 6'3" at least) but she is wearing heels, so her 5'7" frame stretched!  Not sure why they're not holding hands - Victoria makes up her own mind.  She is careful to make sure we know these are her Aunt and Uncle!
Kelly, um William's Kelly - of course! 
Kelly is now much taller than his statuesque mom.  Self effacing, but quietly confident he performs as a musician very comfortably and VERY well.  He is one of the three Kelly's in our family.  We try not to have Boy Kelly (aka William's Kelly), Aunt Kelly, Alex's Kelly (you know HER!).  But Old Kelly, Little Kelly and Girl Kelly didn't fell right either.

Davis - the only
Davis wears glasses, and for this image had short hair.  He has had hair to rival the Breck girl's (yes I am dating myself), it was gorgeous.  He has since had a haircut.  And yes, there is only ONE Davis! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I have been awaiting our family pictures for a while now and am so glad to be here. Victoria, you have done a wonderful job of capturing everyone's likeness AND personality! Thank you Andrea for being Victoria's manager and posting these for the world to see!

    Auntie Lorna
