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Monday, June 25, 2012

And then there's the funky stuff...

When she gets going there is no stopping her.  Victoria gets an idea and off she goes.  No telling where the ideas come from, and sometimes the colors are the markers she happens to have on hand.  So here are a couple of charmers.  Not sure who they are, or even if they are really people, but who can deny their charm, graphic qualities, and color.  There is always color!
Summer 2011
This colorful dude hung in my office on a cork board lighting up the room for a year or so.  Then the tack fell off, he landed on my desk and sort of lay there, up against the back of my desk unit for months.  At some point some liquid spilled (water, coffee, tears, who knows), drops clearly landing and leaving that great water color quality.  Today I saw him leaning there, smiling (always smiling) and realized I HAVE to share him!

Blockhead -  Fall 2011
And then there is Blockhead, which is what I call him/her.  He looks kinda angry, but his eye sockets are colorful perspective.  I don't think he is unfinished, Victoria just chose to make him a colorful face kinda person, as opposed to a colorful clothes kinda person.  Maybe she is a girl and she has a ruffle at the end of her very straight line dress.  The sleeves DO seem to have a puffy top.  Interpretations welcome!

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