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Sunday, August 12, 2012


Victoria creates like any other artist.  Our floors have been littered with pages half covered in semi recognizable shapes, colors, forms.  Drafts, sketches, often cast off for reasons not totally clear, sometimes forgotten.  Some are what look like scraps of paper, some are in sketch books, some are simply in stacks, not good enough to present as a gift, not bad enough to discard. She creates and moves on.  I often catch myself, as I am cleaning up, looking at the pieces she creates and find little gems like these hearts.  She often can't tell you what she has created, but create she does!

For years I listened to a radio program called 'Music From the Heart's of Space', yeah - it was on NPR, Space music they called it.  I loved it.  I often tries to envision what Music from the Hearts of Space would look like.  These hearts happily seem to fit the category nicely. There is no predicting what will inspire Victoria, I don't even think SHE knows what inspires her. Her creations are, always bold, touching, and inspiring.  So here are Victoria hearts with my titles and interpretations -

The Flying Heart
Kinda like the bumble bees whose wings are not supposed to be able to make it fly,
these wings seem too thin, too flimsy, and yet there is it, flying!

Crayon heart, pink wings
The Crayon Heart has a difinite Picasso-esque feel.

And then there is the Satellite Heart.  Notable for the fact that Victoria has so boldly signed her name to it.  When Victoria writes her name it is often very fast, and often much too big for the designated space.  Despite years of effort, she misjudges space and often ends up writing her last name down the side of the page.  She is unaware of physical space norms as well - when talking to a person she will get uncomfortably close.  She may well sense the listener is at odds, but will probably not change her position.  On her Satellite Heart image her name in strong, bold block letters is in just the right place.

Satellite Heart

I believe Victoria's hearts represent her joy, abundance, and giving nature.  All our hearts should be this full of color and optimism.

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