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Monday, October 8, 2012

Some Things Fabulous

Team "Some Things Fabulous"
Next weekend I am walking the 60 miles with the Susan G. Komen organization to continue the work needed to find a cure for breast cancer.  This year two more friends were diagnosed with this scary, unpredictable, and still at time incurable disease.  My friend Donna and I are team "Some Things Fabulous" and in order to involve her in this effort I asked Victoria to draw me something that helped illustrate our team. 

In her infinite wisdom Victoria picked up on the fact that I wanted pink (ok, I told her).  She struggled with the spelling - with which I did not help - and wondered how one draws a ribbon, 'You know like THE ribbon, the pink one!' said she.  I told her to do what she thought would be right.

The result is the above fantastic bubble letter interpretation.  As you can see we use three words, Victoria used two, and the ribbon is in various shades and hues relevant to the cause.  In her drawing is the imperfect perfection that may be the answer we have not allowed ourselves to see.  Maybe we are looking for three words, where two will do.  Maybe we just need to let the ribbon unfold.

The cure for cancer may be similarly hidden just waiting for someone to look at it diferently.  Just recently I learned that studies dedicated to Down Syndrome actually ended up helping Alzheimers.   

For those three days it's just Donna, me, and about 3,000 other people!  There is no prize at the end, this is not a race, but the need for a cure is pressing.

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