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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Robby, Kirstan, and Emerson

My baby brother, his bride, and their baby
Victoria drew my brother Robby (who is well over 6 feet tall) and his bride Kirstan (who is well below 6 feet tall) long before they welcomed wonderful Emerson Eloise aka Emme.

Uncle Robby and Aunt Kirstan - holding hands, of course.
Thanks to Victoria's rendition we can see uncle Robby IS in fact taller - AND making a smashing fashion statement.  Aunt Kirstan is a stunning petite who rules the roost and, as ever, they are holding hands.  Victoria completed the above drawing in the fall of 2010.  When Emerson arrived in the spring of 2012 I asked Victoria to fill out the family portrait.

Ok, ok, I confess I lost the first drawing of Emerson, it's here somewhere, I just can't tell where.  And as I looked at it I remember wondering if it was good enough to post.  The quality of the lines was off, the colors were faint, and the legs and arms were more like bubbles than, well, the sticks that Victoria's people usually have for appendages.  I probably lost it on purpose hoping Victoria would revisit the interpretation and make Emerson the way I figured she should be.

So I had her do another image, prepared for the image to be what I figured it should be.  Well, surprise!  The image is exactly the way VICTORIA wants it to be.  Emerson of Victoria's people is yellow haired and has very thick arms and legs, and a newly defined nose.  She is as perfect in Victoria's drawing, as she is in person.

Emme, perfect.
I truly regret losing that first drawing - it was Victoria's interpretation and clearly exactly what she meant her to look like.  Emerson is beautiful, dark haired and perfectly proportioned.

As ever, I still have much to learn from Victoria.

1 comment:

  1. Victoria is right! Babies do have cute chubby arms and legs.
