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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Victoria's Halloween

Happy Halloween Pumpkin!

Victoria loves Halloween - she is 25 - 250lbs and wonders if she can get away with going trick or treating.  I DO tell her she looks very young, a fact she exploits on occasions like, oh I don't know like say perhaps... trick or treating?  I don't encourage her, and don't walk her around, but if her buddy Daniel were in town she would be knocking on doors the whole month of October!  Victoria and Daniel - her very best friend in the whole world since she was 4 - have been fanatical about scary gory gross movies for as long as I can remember.  As soon as they were allowed to watch gory movies they did.  Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy Kruger, The Shining, you name it they have watched it, and tried to get me to watch it as well.  I will not - can't stand 'em!  The movies that is.

Victoria loves to be seasonal, so as holidays approach she often takes cues for drawings from what surrounds her.  For Halloween she tries scary and since she loves those scary movies she once tried to draw Freddy, yes THAT Freddy - I don't know where THAT drawing went, but below you can see what one of people looks like as a vampire.  Victoria's people trying to be scary?  Not likely - but a sophisticated vampire, man about town?  Definitely!
Victoria's Vampire!
Famous vampires of the world beware, Victoria's vampire is here.  He is stylish purple pants and all, as vampires seem to be, and you can tell he's mean because his mouth is down turned and, of course, bloody.
My favorite by FAR however is the witch (wich?).  Yes, she is green, has purple hair, and what is supposed to be an over sized hat is hardly that, but she definitely has character.  She looks like she has her hands on her hips and even a smirk, yes that blue thing is her broom, which looks to be a LOT more likely to comfortably hold the weight of a person than those skinny jobs Harry Potter and his crew ride.  I'm just sayin'
And what self respecting witch doesn't have a cat and a bat?  Not this one!

One Cat - check.
One Bat - check.
 Halloween planning - check!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Halloween characters Victoria. I did not know you liked horror movies. I am with you Andrea, I don't like movies but there are a couple of horror movies I do like.
